For emergencies while working with a client, call 000 immediately.
Your safety, and the safety of participants is our number one priority. If you witness or suspect any incidents, neglect or abuse while you are working with a client, the mobility Code of Conduct requires you to report it straight away.
Reporting Workplace incidents
Incident reporting happens when you clock out at the end of each shift. There is an option to mark YES or NO to “Workplace Incident”. If an incident has occurred, you’ll fill out:
Depending on whether you are an independent contractor or employee, either mobility or your employer will contact you to discuss the incident and determine if further action is required.
Reporting abuse and neglect
At the end of each shift, you have the option to report abuse and neglect. A screen will appear that says “Report Abuse and Neglect”. If you select YES then follow the green “Click here” link, you will be taken to to a detailed list of options to report concerns to the relevant bodies and authorities for each state. Mobility has a Zero Tolerance policy toward negligence, abuse, misconduct and exploitation. Incident reporting has been engineered into the app. For reporting abuse and neglect, mobility recognises that there are experts in this field who are best positioned to handle reports of neglect, abuse and maltreatment. Therefore, mobility recommends that you contact the relevant department in your state directly.
How to report an incident – know the difference
Witnessing, or suspecting abuse or neglect
If you suspect or witness any signs of abuse or neglect, it’s a legal requirement that you report it immediately to the relevant state authority . Your concerns could point to a criminal offense pertaining to physical, sexual, emotional or mental neglect or abuse. Signs might include:
The national authority to report an incident to is the NDIS Commission. Another useful go-to resource is the Disability Advocacy Finder
The state authorities to report to are:
For suspected or observed elder abuse
Report the suspected abuse to mobility immediately, as per our Code of Conduct. There are hotlines in each state that can be called to report elder abuse across Australia. These are:
For incidents that happen during a shift
For everything from breaking a bowl at a client’s house, to injuries sustained while working, a workplace incident report is necessary. You can access the workplace incident screen from the main menu of the mobility app.
Fill out the details and hit “send” to report the incident formally to mobility. It will only be visible to the mobility team, not to your client, support worker or their intermediaries, unless you choose to share the reporting form with them.
What happens after I report it?
This will include you receiving a call from mobility to get a full, more detailed report.
Mobility’s Internal Dispute Resolution Policy
To view mobility’s Internal Dispute Resolution Policy, please click here.