NDIS Participant Profile Setup – Getting Started

How to Create a mobility Profile for NDIS Participants

Welcome to mobility! We’re here to help you make the most out of your NDIS plan. Completing your profile is a crucial step in ensuring you get the best possible match with support workers. Follow this guide to create a comprehensive and engaging profile.

NDIS Plan Setup

Entering your NDIS plan details is crucial for managing your supports efficiently. Here’s how to set up your NDIS plan in the mobility app:

  1. Finish setting up your profile: Tap the banner to finish setting up your profile
  2. Enter Your NDIS Number: Log in and go to the ‘Profile’ section. Enter your NDIS number in the designated field.
  3. Select Plan Dates: Choose your plan’s start and end dates.
  4. Set Care Level Needs: Indicate your care needs as specified in your NDIS plan.
  5. Add A Goal: We’ll need at least one Goal from your support plan to get started.
  6. Save Goal: Tap the ‘Save’ button to confirm your plan setup.
  7. Set Budget Amounts: Next we’ll need to know how much you would like to spend with mobility for each different support category. We only ever charge for services after they have been delivered.
    1. Select the support category: Select from the list of categories that best align with your support plan.
    2. Set the spend limit – This is so you can easily track your spending, you can set this to how much you want to spend with mobility – we won’t let you go over this amount.
    3. Management Type: Let us know how this category is managed (NDIA, Plan Managed, or Self Managed).
      1. Agency or Plan Managed: Type their name in the search bar, and tap the search icon. Select their name and email address from the list.
      2. Authorization: Tap checkbox to accept the authorization
    4. Save Budgets: Click ‘Save’ to confirm your budget category settings.

Managing Your Budgets

Managing your budget effectively ensures you make the most out of your NDIS funding. By setting your budgets in the mobility app we ensure you never go over your plan, plus we only ever charge for services after they have been delivered.

Here’s how to set your budgets:

  1. Navigate to Budgets: Go to the ‘NDIS Plan Details’ page from the main menu, then select ‘Budgets’.
  2. Set Budget Amounts: Enter the allocated amounts for different support categories.
    • Select the support category: Choose the category that fits your support plan.
    • Set the spend limit – This helps you track your spending. Set this to how much you want to spend with mobility – we won’t let you go over this amount, and only ever charge for services that have been delivered.
    • Management Type: Let us know how this category is managed (NDIA, Plan Managed, or Self Managed).
      • Agency or Plan Managed: Type their name in the search bar, and tap the search icon. Select their name and email address from the list.
      • Authorization: Tap checkbox to accept the authorization.
  1. Save Budgets: Click ‘Save’ to confirm your budget category settings.
  2. Update Budgets: Tap the category you would like to update, enter the amount you would like to spend within mobility., then tap ‘save’.

Adding or Updating Your Goals

Setting clear goals helps your support workers understand what you’re working towards. Here’s how to add your goals:

  1. Navigate to Goals: Go to the ‘NDIS Plan Details’ page from the main menu, then select ‘Plan’.
  2. Manage Goals: Scroll to the bottom of the page. Tap the goal to edit, the to delete or select ‘Add’ to enter a new goal.
  3. Save Goals: Click ‘Save’ to ensure your goals are recorded.

Example Goals:

  • Improve my mobility and independence.
  • Increase social interactions and community participation.
  • Learn new skills and hobbies.

Upload a Photo

Uploading a photo can make your profile more personable and easier for support workers to connect with you. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Navigate to Profile: Go to the ‘Edit Profile’ section from the main menu.
  2. Upload Photo: Click on the and select a recent, clear photo of yourself from your phones gallery.
  3. Save Changes: Click ‘Save’ to ensure your photo is added to your profile.

By completing your profile with these detailed steps, you’ll be better equipped to find the perfect support workers who can meet your needs and help you achieve your goals.

Writing a Great Bio

Your bio is your chance to introduce yourself to potential support workers. Here are some tips to make it great:

  • Be Yourself: Share a bit about who you are, your interests, and what makes you unique.
  • Keep It Friendly: Use a conversational tone to make your bio welcoming and approachable.
  • Highlight Key Info: Include important details like your hobbies, interests, and any specific preferences you have for your support workers.


“Hi, I’m Mark! I live in Sydney and love tech gadgets and playing video games. I enjoy going for walks in the park and catching up with friends over coffee. I’m looking for a support worker who shares my love for technology and can help me stay active and social.”

Here’s how:

  1. Navigate to Profile: Go to the ‘Edit Profile’ section from the main menu.
  2. Write your Bio: Tap on the text box and write your description.
  3. Save Changes: Click ‘Save’ to ensure your bio is added to your profile.

What to Include in Condition Description

Providing a clear and detailed description of the care you require helps support workers understand your needs better. This is only shown to workers when they are applying for a job you have posted or have been accepted for a job.

Here’s what we recommend:

  • Diagnosis: Briefly mention your primary diagnosis or condition.
  • Daily Impact: Explain how your condition affects your daily life and what kind of support you need.
  • Specific Requirements: Include any special equipment or specific care routines that are essential for your wellbeing.


“I have cerebral palsy, which affects my muscle coordination and balance. I need assistance with daily activities like dressing, bathing, and meal preparation. I use a wheelchair and require help with transfers and mobility around my home and community.”

Here’s how to do it:

  • Navigate to Profile: Go to the ‘Edit Profile’ section from the main menu.
  • Write your Condition Description: Tap on the text box and write your description.
  • Save Changes: Click ‘Save’ to ensure your condition description is added to your profile.

Adding an Emergency Contact

Adding an emergency contact ensures that there is someone we can reach out to if needed. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Navigate to Emergency Contact: Go to the ‘Edit Profile’ section from the main menu, then select ‘Emergency Contact’.
  2. Enter Details: Complete each field:
    1. name,
    2. their best phone number,
    3. and relationship to you.
  3. Save Changes: Click ‘Save’ to ensure your emergency contact is added to your profile.

Updating Your Phone Number or Service Address

Keeping your contact information up-to-date is crucial for effective communication. Here’s how to update your phone number or service address:

  1. Navigate to Contact Information: Go to the ‘Edit Profile’ section from the main menu.
  2. Update Phone Number: Tap on the phone number field, enter your new phone number, and click ‘Save’.
  3. Update Service Address: Tap on the service address field, enter your new address, and click ‘Save’.

By completing your profile with these detailed steps, you’ll be better equipped to find the perfect support workers who can meet your needs and help you achieve your goals.

Profile Setup FAQs

  • Why do I need to enter my NDIS number?

    Entering your NDIS number helps us verify your plan and ensure you receive the correct services and support.

  • Why do you ask for my care level needs?

    This helps us to include the correct line items on your invoice, and also ensures you’re best matched with workers most qualified to support your needs.

  • How do I set my budget amounts?

    Navigate to the ‘Budgets’ section, select the support category, set your spending limit, and indicate how the category is managed (NDIA, Plan Managed, or Self Managed).

  • What should I write in my bio?

    Share information about yourself, your interests, and what you’re looking for in a support worker. Be friendly and personal to help workers get to know you better.

  • What should be included in my condition description?

    Provide a brief overview of your diagnosis, how it impacts your daily life, and any specific requirements or equipment you use.

  • Why should I upload a photo?

    Uploading a photo makes your profile more personable and helps support workers connect with you on a personal level.

  • Can I update my goals and budgets later?

    Yes, you can update your goals and budgets at any time by navigating to the ‘NDIS Plan Details’ page from the main menu, then selecting ‘Budget’ or ‘Plan’ and making the necessary changes.

  • Can I update my goals and budgets later?

    Yes, you can update your goals and budgets at any time by navigating to the ‘NDIS Plan Details’ page from the main menu, then selecting ‘Budget’ or ‘Plan’ and making the necessary changes.

  • How do I upload important documents?

    Currently there is no feature for you to upload documents to your profile, you can always email them to us at support@mobility.com.au and one of our support team will be able to attach them to your profile.

  • How do I add an emergency contact?

    Go to the ‘Edit Profile’ section, then navigate to the ‘Emergency Contact’ section in your profile, enter the contact details, and save the changes.

  • How do I update my phone number or service address?

    Go to the ‘Edit Profile’ section, update your phone number or service address, and save the changes.

  • What if I need help with my profile setup?

    Our support team is here to assist you. Contact us at 1300 438 227 or support@mobility.com.au for help with any questions or issues you may have.


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